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  • 🆚What is the difference between "手续" and "程序 HiNative

    手续 (shǒu xù), 程序 (chéng xù) Synonym for 手续Jul 30, 2020  回答 过程:process 程序:procedure 步骤 和 手续 和 程序 和有什么不一样? 回答 1步骤 refers to steps of doing something Example:解决问题的步骤 The steps "手续" 和 "程序" 和有什么不一样? HiNative

  • 🆚What is the difference between "手续" and "程序 HiNative

    手续 (shǒu xù), 程序 (chéng xù) Synonym for 手续 I think the two terms indicate almost the same thing, but from different points of view 手续, is described from the subject who process只是告诉你整个事情的过程是怎么样,其中的每一步具体如何做,由procedure规定。 由于日常用语的混淆,当我们说「流程」的时候,要清楚到底是指「过程」还是「程序 外企英语之公司流程是procedure还是process? 知乎

  • 工程建设项目前期工作流程有哪些? 知乎 知乎专栏

    一、项目前期办理项目立项、项目选址、土地预审、环境影响评价、规划方案核准、工程勘察与设计、取得规划许可,委托招标代理,编制概预算、工程量清单、招标文件和施工( Apr 29, 2022  手续完备与程序合法有什么区别 6 审批手续和审批程序有什么区别 1 手续与手序怎么区分? 手续与于续的区别,或 手续和程序有什么区别 百度知道

  • 审批手续和审批程序有什么区别 百度知道

    Jan 25, 2022  审批与批准由什么区别? 125 请问银行的授信审批流程和用信审批流程具体有什么区别? 74 审批手续 动火审批手续 "程序"英文翻译 procedure "手续"英文翻译 procedures; formalities; rou "【法律】诉讼手续[程序]。" 英文翻译: form action "财政手续程序" 英文翻译: fiscal process "结帐手续, 结 程序,手续英文程序,手续英语怎么说翻译

  • 办理手续英文办理手续英语怎么说翻译 查查在线翻译

    proceed "办理"英文翻译 deal with; attend to; conduc "手续"英文翻译 procedures; formalities; rou "正常办理手续" 英文翻译 : normal procedure "办办理手续步骤" 英文翻 手续费 service charge; commission; factorage; commission charges; handling charges; handling cost; service fee "办手续" 英文翻译 : go through the formalities; handle 手续英文手续英语怎么说翻译 查查在线翻译

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    Products AS a leading global manufacturer of crushing and milling equipment, we offer advanced, rational solutions for any sizereduction requirements, including quarry, aggregate, grinding production and complete stone crushing plantTranslations in context of "their baggage, at which both the departure point" in EnglishChinese from Reverso Context: DOMESTIC AIR TRANSPORTATION transportation of passengers and their baggage, at which both the departure point and the point of destination, as well as all planned stops are located within the territory of Azerbaijantheir baggage, at which both the departure point Translation into

  • словосочетания Flashcards Quizlet

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 不包分配, 选择职业, 谋职业 and moreПеревод '手续程序' с китайского на русский: 手续 程序 shǒuxùформальности, процедура; порядок 手续程序 bkrsfo

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